Sep 05, 2024

Hello its SPRING and a new season of possibilities!

I recently returned from a trip that pushed me out of my comfort zone in ways I never expected. As someone who prefers warmth and sunshine (total sun lover) over snow and ice (not a snow bunny at all), I never imagined I'd willingly dip my toes—let alone my entire body—into an ice bath. But there I was, at a retreat, trying something completely new.

I started with a 10-minute session in an infrared sauna before taking a quick plunge into the ice bath. It wasn’t just once; I did it multiple times! And you know what? The after-effects were incredible. I felt invigorated, high on life, and glowing like I was radiating from the inside out—though definitely not pregnant (LOL, thank goodness)!

Each day, I pushed myself a bit further, eventually reaching a full minute in the ice bath. Like any new habit, it was all about building up the mental muscle, focusing on my breath, and reminding myself of how amazing I’d feel afterward.

I ventured out to dine solo at a restaurant, and attended a conference where I knew no one in real life (only via Zoom). These experiences reminded. me that stepping into discomfort is the first step toward growth and transformation. Facing some fears, getting curious & just trying things!

Much like diving into an ice bath, changing your drinking habits takes time, practice, and a shift in mindset. One tool that’s been incredibly helpful for me is what I call "playing the tape forward." Before making a decision, I visualize , think about & ask myself how I will feel afterward. For example, if I choose not to drink tonight, think about how I will feel the next morning waking up & being clear-headed, happy, strong, and proud of myself.  I've played the tape forward!

This is one of the tips I talk about in my 4-week courseGET YOUR SOBER SPARKLE.

A 4 week reset refresh course commencing at the end of September to cut back, cut out or take a 4 week break with your drinking in the lead up to the busy last few months of the year 

PLUS by being on the waitlist now, you'll receive my FREE SOBER SPARKLE: 21 INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES & CARDS digital booklet. But that's not all, you will get early bird doors open access on 17/9  to the course 1 week before it is released to the public, along with some incredible bonuses during the early bird door opening period. No obligation, you are just on the waitlist plus you get freebies! You have nothing to lose & lots to gain! 

Click the link below to hop on the waitlist and claim your FREE SOBER SPARKLE: 21 INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES & CARDS. 

Here’s to embracing change, facing our fears, and sparkling brighter than ever before!

Wishing you a gorgeous week & super Spring 

In love and light,



Experience the power of coaching with a FREE, no-obligation 15-minute connection call.  Upon booking, you’ll receive a questionnaire to help me understand your needs better. This is a confidential and informal chat. You can ask questions about my coaching practice and approach, anything you want! The call is via Zoom or phone —Zoom is preferred so we can connect more deeply. If you’re curious about coaching and want a firsthand experience, this call is for you.

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