Ciao Inner Critic. Edition 5

Jul 17, 2024

Embracing Your Inner Critic: Transforming Self-Doubt into Self-Belief

oday, let's talk about something most of us struggle with but are seldom open about: our inner critic.

Understanding Your Inner Critic This is the nagging voice questioning your worth, undermining your confidence, and holding you back from pursuing your dreams. For the majority of women in midlife,  when facing transitions with life and societal pressure, this is a common situation. My life has not been an easy one, ranging from divorce, depression, breast cancer to single motherhood and addressing a drinking problem 18 months ago. This way, I have learned about the power of the inner critic and how to convert this voice into one of strength.

Impact of the Inner Critic  Midlife women navigating significant transitions, which can include menopause, children leaving home, and the process of changing personal identities can have that mean girl show up, she doesn't serve us.  She can come in many guises, apart from being critical, she can compare, suffer imposter syndrome, be black and white, resentful...who wants that in their later life...not me!!  The inner critic only worsens feelings of being stuck and disconnected and can add to such uncertainty; it can also exacerbate emotional distress, which has adverse effects on relationships and health.

How to Turn Your Inner Critic Around:

  1. Accept and Acknowledge: The first step is to accept your inner critic for what it is and acknowledge the part it plays in your life. This has largely been a product of past experiences or expectations put forth by society.
  2. Reinterpret the Negative: Reframe those negative stories. Replace self-criticism with acts of self-compassion. Celebrate achievements and recognize your strengths, even when they're small.
  3. Mindfulness and Self-Reflection: Watch how to stay in the present and be a witness to your thoughts without judgment. Journaling: Most of the time, when you journal, it brings up patterns and triggers you may need for reflection.
  4. Positive Affirmations: Drown negative self-talk in a pile of positive affirmations. Remind yourself about the worth, capabilities, and potentiality that you'd like to see in yourself. With each practice, it will slowly start rewiring your mindset.
  5. Seek Support: Be part of a supportive community. Talk with friends you trust, get into support groups, read books, listen to podcasts, jouranl.. or think about investing in a good coach who gets what you're going through.

My Coaching Approach In my three-month private customized coaching program, we dig deeply into these approaches. We work on clear, attainable goal setting, increasing confidence, and mitigating negative self-talk. My approach is very direct but powerful in nature using a combination of effective  mindset tools tailored to you and that are easily integrated into life on a daily basis and create incredible changes.  All too often we don't invest in ourselves, we might buy clothes or special dinners etc however the value and commitment to your very self is worth it, YOU are worth it. 

One Client's Transformation One of my clients started with a very critical view about her. She blossomed for over three months, attained her ambitions, learned how to love, and found out who she truly is. It is a transformation that can only be accomplished through guided self-discovery and growth. 

Taking the Journey Looking at your inner critic is the first move to believing in yourself and empowerment. Come with me on this life-changing journey, and open the next page toward your potential. We will journey through all of life's changes, always with grace, confidence, and a new sense of purpose.

In Love & Light



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