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Been thinking about a goal or challenge you want to kickstart and achieve quickly? 


I can help  you accomplish it and get the result you want to enrich your life. 

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Does This Sound Like You?

  • Content but Challenged: Pretty happy in life but there is one pressing thing you would really like to address.
  • Feeling Stuck: You feel stuck and need a boost and support.
  • Desire for Accountability: You want some accountability and to be heard.

  • Seeking Clarity: Looking for a clear path to overcome a specific obstacle.

  • Need for Guidance: Craving personalized support to navigate a challenge.

I know what it's like. You are ready and want that boost to get it done! It's time!

Trust me, I know how you feel—
this was EXACTLY me.
Alcohol is just a way you cope, a means to
escape or avoid facing something deeper.


I've got you. I have so been there and know what its like to have that one nagging thing you really want to change or achieve, knowing it will positively support you in so many other areas of your life. Together we can get the result you want. 

You're tired of thinking about it

No more avoidance.  You are sick of putting it under the rug.

You are getting a bit resentful and angry with yourself.

You want to create some direction and move forward.

You want more from life and know this can help.

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It doesn't have to be this way


  • Empowered: Finally taking control and address the goal or challenge.
  • Relieved: No longer burdened by resentment or being mean to yourself.
  • Clear & Focused: With a clear direction and action plan to move forward. 
  • Confident: Boost your self-esteem and belief in your ability to create change.
  • Fulfilled: Positively impacting many other areas of your life through this change.

Why Me?

I could list my experience and qualifications, which could be a bit boring snoring (they are in the About Me tab).

MOST importantly, I want to say thank you for reading this so far, for being ready to invest in yourself and level up your life.

From my own challenges - like cancer, depression and a grey area drinking problem - I know how to focus on one goal that creates positive and impactful change in your life. 

I know it can feel overwhelming, but trust me, once we get started and build momentum, it's not as daunting as it seems. 

My philosophy is to keep it simple, to fit into your life and be laser focused.  

Empower Your Journey  is doubling down and getting that one thing done! Giving you what you want fast! 




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Here's How It Works



  • Questionaire:  To get a sense of where you are and what you want to focus on.  
  • Personalized Coaching Session: I'll send you a link for you to book our 60 minute session on Zoom, Facetime or phone.  
  • Unlimited Email Support: After our session, two weeks of contact for you to reach out anytime for guidance and support.
  • Two weeks after our session a follow up 45 minute session via Zoom, Facetime or phone, ensuring you are on the path.
  • Continuous Growth Document: A dedicated Google Document from our session you can always refer to. 
  • Custom Worksheets: Personalized worksheets to support your goal.
  • Bespoke Resources: Personalised resources and recommendations 
  • Empower your journey isn’t just a one off session and that's what sets it apart, it is followed by 2 extra weeks of email support, then followed by a 45min session.
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Don't wait any longer! 

Let's do this!



Empower Your Journey


One time payment


But don't just take my word for it....

Before coaching with Belinda, I doubted my career and felt stalled, struggling to separate my identity from my job. Belinda's coaching, which I'd describe as nurturing, restorative, and uplifting, helped me embrace life as a journey with manageable steps. Her warm, empathetic approach eased my fears, allowing me to break down tasks, celebrate small victories, and grow in confidence.  Her ability to reframe negative self-talk and encourage acceptance of praise was a game-changer for me. It's clear that coaching is her calling. She taught me to accept praise, transforming my perspective. I highly recommend Belinda to anyone seeking a supportive and transformative coaching experience. It is definitely well worth the investment in you.


When I first reached out to Belinda, I was feeling overwhelmed, bored and trapped in the daily grind.  While my life seemed perfect on paper, it lacked fulfillment.  My goal was to reclaim my time, establish stronger boundaries, and rediscover joy on my own terms.   Seeking a fresh perspective and accountability, I embarked on a journey of transformation with Belinda.

Her sessions were insightful and energising, guiding me to prioritise self-kindness and boundary setting.  Belinda’s gentle wisdom and attentive listening propelled me towards greater happiness and self-assurance.  One significant revelation was learning to focus on achievable actions while releasing events beyond my control.  This shift allowed me to alleviate societal pressures and embrace practical manifestation tools to define my own definition of success.  Thanks to Belinda, I approach each day with stronger confidence and a clearer sense of to define my own definition of success.



Questions you might have.

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It's time!

Let's go! 



Empower Your Journey.....Lets do this


One time payment